It has been one week since I started this blog, and I'm wondering where the time went. I've landed one interview for next Tuesday. Otherwise, my job search has been fruitless. My friends are telling me I shouldn't have quit my previous job before I had a new job lined up, that I was being goaded to quit and I took the bait (well, duh!). Even my brother is in on the Campaign of the Obvious. What I could not understand when I was quitting my previous job was how I was to find another job, if I didn't have time to look. Now, I have more than enough time, and I realize that my problem before was not so much a lack of time, but a lack of motivation.
Alas, it's hard to be motivated to do anything when your employer is goading you to quit your job. Also, having a steady paycheck makes learning the intricacies of online monster boards, the nuances of the cover letter, and the art of the targeted resume seem quite unappealing, especially when one must find the time and effort for this after working 50+ hours weekly, having to travel twice weekly to the other side of town to care for one's grandfather, and trying to sustain a good relationship with the only non-family person in the world who gives two shits about you.
Damn, that was a long sentence.
I'm considering getting a job that pays about what I was making before (adjusted for true Chinese Overtime), but at only 40 hours weekly, there will not be enough income to cover the bills. Hopefully, the interview on Tuesday will be successful.
Alas, it's hard to be motivated to do anything when your employer is goading you to quit your job. Also, having a steady paycheck makes learning the intricacies of online monster boards, the nuances of the cover letter, and the art of the targeted resume seem quite unappealing, especially when one must find the time and effort for this after working 50+ hours weekly, having to travel twice weekly to the other side of town to care for one's grandfather, and trying to sustain a good relationship with the only non-family person in the world who gives two shits about you.
Damn, that was a long sentence.
I'm considering getting a job that pays about what I was making before (adjusted for true Chinese Overtime), but at only 40 hours weekly, there will not be enough income to cover the bills. Hopefully, the interview on Tuesday will be successful.